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What is fat grafting?

A medical procedure that uses the patient`s own fat tissue to increase the volume of fat in the subcutaneous area of the body. Autologous adipose tissue transplantation has been used for breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons and after breast cancer surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure an alternative to breast augmentation using breast implants. It is also transferred from unwanted areas such as your abdomen to your face, hands and other areas for rejuvenation purposes.

What are the benefits of fat grafting?


  • Safest filler

  • No risk of allergic reaction

  • Natural living filler

  • Most natural appearing results

  • Most permanent results

  • No scars

  • Very cost effective

  • Outpatient procedure

  • Minimal recovery time

  • Minimal bruising

  • Minimal discomfort

  • No risk of complications associated with other surgeries, such as face-lift

Other benefits include the fact that there is almost an endless supply of fat in most people. The harvested can be frozen and stored for future treatments. Fat grafting maybe carried out as a stand-alone procedure or in conjunction with other procedures. In addition, the treated areas do not feel fatter, but unlike other fillers, the grafted fat integrates with the surrounding tissues. Even the most dramatic changes in size or structure are so natural in appearance and texture that without memories or photographs with which to compare, they are undetectable.

What is squeezed fat?

Also known as condensced fat. After fat is harvested it goes to the centrifuge at a high G-force which will cause the oil to float and other impurities to sink. IN the middle layer you are left with a high quality fat. All of the impurities are separated allowing doctors to inject only the high quality fat which is full of growth factors including stem cells. Not all fat injections are equal...

What is a stem cell?

A stem cell is basically any cell that can replicate and differentiate. This means the cell can not only multiply, it can turn into different types of tissues. There are different kinds of stem cells. Most people are familiar with or have heard the term “embryonic stem cell.” These are cells from the embryonic stage that have yet to differentiate – as such, they can change into any body part at all. These are then called “pluri-potential” cells. Because they are taken from unborn or unwanted embryos, there has been considerable controversy surrounding their use. Also, while they have been used in some areas of medicine – particularly, outside the United States – they have also been associated with occasional tumor (teratoma) formations. There is work being conducted by several companies to isolate particular lines of embryonic stem cells for future use.
Another kind of stem cell is the “adult stem cell.” This is a stem cell that already resides in one’s body within different tissues. In recent times, much work has been done isolating bone-marrow derived stem cells. These are also known as “mesenchymal stem cells” because they come from the mesodermal section of your body. They can differentiate into bone and cartilage, and probably all other mesodermal elements, such as fat, connective tissue, blood vessels, muscle and nerve tissue. Bone marrow stem cells can be extracted a nd because they are low in numbers, they are usually cultured in orde r to multiply their numbers for future use. As it turns out, fat is also load ed with mesenchymal stem cells. In fact, it has hundreds if not thousa nds of times more stem cells compared to bone marrow. Today, we have tools that allow us to separate the stem cells from fat. Because mo st people have adequate fat supplies and the numbers of stem cells are s o great, there is no need to culture the cells over a period of days and they can be used right away.

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